About me

My name is Georgia Locock and I'm a young wildlife enthusiast with a passion for photographing, filming, observing and blogging about all things to do with nature and wildlife. All my life I have been interested in wildlife and nature and I can't remember a day when I wasn't. I have also been photographing and filming wildlife for quite some time. What I capture is almost always put onto my wildlife blog for people to view. 
I have been doing this blog for just over a year now and I have found it very enjoyable because it's a record of what I've seen, and It gets new people involved. I've been invited to different events and it's very exciting! At first my blog focused on logging wildlife sightings but now it has grown to passing on tips and getting new people interested in the natural world.
In the past myself and my work has been featured in my local newspaper, Wildlife Trust and Wildlife Watch magazines, on the BBC WM radio where I spoke about looking after garden wildlife in hot conditions, a photo featured on BBC Autumnwatch and I was asked by BBC Autumnwatch if they could use some of my badger footage which I filmed on the program.

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